Friday, May 4, 2012

At the Starting Gate

Lets cut right to the chase. Tomorrow, Saturday, Vanessa get her first lip surgery. A Saturday surgery? Yup, even better, it's cinco De Mayo. How do I feel about that? Obviously I must be terrified because all week it's been nightmare central in my brain. Reoccurring dreams that she does not wake up from the anesthetic. Every. Single. night. Sometimes 2 times.

Our baby is of course, blissfully unaware that she is getting a major operation done. Although she has been pounding down the formula all week. One day she ate close to twice as much as usual! Growing baby. :) I cannot figure out how to explain to Aileen that her sister will look different, or that the "ouchie" she comes home with is a good thing. Ug...

My mom is coming over tonight and staying until we get back from the hospital tomorrow evening. She will take care of Ailee, so we can both be at the hospital.However next week, on Tuesday, Vanessa goes in for her ear tubes. They couldn't schedule them at the same time.There's a story there, so lets discuss.

  1. The ENT specialist is supposedly on call this Saturday so couldn't come in for the 1/2 hour it would take him to do her ears while she is under at 7:30am.
  2.  Regardless of the above stated reason #1, I think he just doesn't want to come in. Part of me understands that, everyone needs a day off but seriously...
  3. All this means that she will be under anesthetic 2x in less that 5 days. Full anesthetic for the lip,(breathing tube and everything) and a mask/lighter anesthetic for the ears.
  4. The ENT Dr was unconcerned (about anything frankly). The Plastic surgeon was not thrilled about such a small child being "under" 2x. The plastics Dr also indicated that the ENT has NEVER worked with him on scheduling before., not once. EVER. 
  5. The ENT specialist seems like an ass with no bedside manners or people skills. My pre-op apt yesterday for him was at 11am. At 11:15am a nurse showed me into a room. At 12:15pm the Dr finally came strolling in, and what is the first thing he says to me??? "Any questions?" That's how you END a conversation jackass, not how you start one. I was rather pissed off but managed to keep my cool. Why did I keep my cool? Because he's the only friggin ENT available to do her ears.

The ENT did nothing to re-assure me that it is a simple procedure. In fact when I did ask questions, he behaved like it was an imposition. Not like it mattered to him that a mother was worried about her child getting 2 surgeries in 1 week.  He is the one who asked if I had questions without explaining anything to me before hand.


At least the Plastics Dr is nice.

1 comment:

  1. As a mother, when I had a gut feeling with anything to do with my child, I went with it. Get another ENT...
