Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dr visit and life...

Yesterday we got to see the plastics Dr regarding vanessa breaking the suture. Good news, no major harm done. Bad news, it did not stay in long enough to complete its job. It did however cause the palate to collase a tiny bit. Just enough that Dr feels ok doing a total lip repair in 6 weeks.

Dr says there is still swelling, thats why 6 weeks. She doesnt look swollen to me but... whatever. That puts her next procedure right around my birthday sometime. That is, if we are even still here. Freakin job market here in cali sucks, and Our unemployment income is exhausted, Tom is on weekly extensions. And SSI's idea of support for Vanessa is less than 400 a month, IE not enough. Suckage most foul. If funds dont improve we may be in Tennessee by july. How does that fix things you ask? no rent, less bills, new area to job hunt. How do we get there? drive. What about Vanessa? theres a craniofacial team in Tn too.

Really, people say things like:
"God won't throw at you what you cannot handle."
"what doesnt kill you makes you stronger."
" It could be worse."

I say.... ENOUGH. Yeah someone out there has it worse, it could be worse, we can handle it. But enough with the major stress factors ok? This mess is giving me more anxiety, I just want ONE stress factor to abate please? Make one problem go away???? Just one?


  1. I remember one time listening to a radio psycologist (sic) telling the story of moving (again) because her husband lost his job and she was between jobs too. They put it to the kids that they were going on AN ADVENTURE!!! Made it sound so fun, the kids actually bought it. They were unaware their parents were bailing from the bill colloctors, the rent collector, all things they owed on.

  2. Long story short, make it AN ADVENTURE!!! Think about all the positives and keep those in your thoughts. Life sucks sometimes, trust me, I know, so make those lemons into MARGARITAS!!!

  3. "God won't throw at you what you cannot handle."

    God thinks you can handle me punching you in the face. ARGUE WITH GOD!
